This display is a rare one and could easily adorn the corridors of the Australian War Museum in Canberra. 3 brothers, 1 killed at Gallipoli, 1 wounded in France & the other returned after 4 1/2 years service. A huge framed display featuring the photo’s of 3 Roden brothers, George … R? … David plus service numbers, enlisted dates, sailed dates, how long served, where served, photo’s of the ships they embarked on, Brigade / Regiment details. All of this is behind reverse painted glass housed in a wooden frame. From left to right, starting with George Roden I will give the details on the display, but have found that not all the details are correct and will need further research.
1178 Pte G (George) Roden, D Coy. 1st Battalion, 1st Brigade A.I.F, enlisted Aug 1914, Sailed 22.12.14, K.I.A Gallipoli 2.5.15. Research has revealed his service number is incorrect, it is 1251 not 1178 as detailed on display. The other details have not been researched to see if correct.
Middle, 276 Dvr R Roden, 53rd Battery, 14th Brigade A.I.F, enlisted 17.8.14, sailed 22.12.14, 4 1/2 years service Gallipoli, France “ANZAC”. All of his details appear to be incorrect, I cannot find any record of his enlistment or embarkation under the name R Roden or S/N 276. He is outfitted in Light Horse gear, this may be a help. Perhaps he enlisted under an alias, further research is needed to solve the mystery
Right, 1634 Pte D (David) Roden, C Coy 53rd Battalion, 14th Brigade A.I.F., enlisted 1.2.16, sailed 4.5.16, wounded in action, France 9.10.17. His service number is correct, the other details have not been researched.
George & David are definately brothers, as proven by the details on the embarkation rolls, on the other hand R Roden is a total mystery. The display is huge, measures 113cms wide x 71cms high, the rear is starting to deteriorate and needs attention. Some of the paint work is starting to fade & peel, again in need of restoration. No other history is known about the brothers or display. It needs a good caring home and the respect it deserves.
Note the following information was received on R Roden, he DID list under an alias.
A military enthusiast with a lot of knowledge of the AIF has been able to identify the middle photo as the third brother and found his war records. This is the information given.
'R. Roden #276 (this man is not listed under this name in the war records)
He enlisted under an alias of Richard Jones. He was firstly in the 5th Light Horse, which fits with his uniform in this photo, than transferred to the 53rd Battery. All of the data fits and the number #276 is the same. A photo of R. Jones #276 found in the 'Queenslander' newspaper is an exact match to this photo of R. Roden.'